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 Posko Banjir Kelurahan Pinang Ranti Dilengkapi Perahu Karet
photo Nurito -

Pinang Ranti Shelter Post Provides Inflatable Boat

Flood shelter post at Pinang Ranti Urban Village office, Makasar, East Jakarta is equipped with various facilities. This area is often inundated because it is located in basin area.

Each post is secured by 9 personnel

Pinang Ranti Urban Village Head, Haris Indrianto stated, shelter was built in front of his office and equipped with one unit of inflatable boat, 12 life vests, 4 ring buoys, mobile pump, generator set, and others.

"Each post is secured by 9 personnel from Satpol PP, PPSU, PTSP, urban village administrators, and Dukcapil Unit personnel for 24 hours with work shifts," he explained Monday (2/24).

City Continues to Optimize Flood Handling

According to him, the most prone areas to inundation are RW 01, 02, 04 and 05.

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